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The Ring of Wonder _ Dark Origins 『黑暗源头』 _ 官方书籍翻译

Posted by: rebel 2006-04-21, 02:54


[WW2002] [V:tM/2] Vampire: The Masquerade (2nd ed.)

[WW2002]表示此书的编号,一般可以在书籍封底价格/条码处找到;[V:tM/2]表示简称,也是本版主题的标准前缀;Vampire: The Masquerade即书名;(2nd ed.)表示该书为第二版。
由于很多书都被White Wolf一再出版,如Mage: The Ascension就有WW4000、WW4300、WW4599、WW4600四个版本,而各版本之间都存在着部分差异,网上流传的各种版本又进一步加剧了这种混乱。故为了整理讨论方便,请有志翻译的朋友严格按照索引中给出的编号寻找相应书籍,如实在找不到可PM我说明情况。


补充:2012年白狼披了Onyx Path的马甲后,原本的White Wolf ID即被弃用,故自2013年起的Mummy: The Curse及后续产品线均无WW编号。

Posted by: inthel 2006-05-02, 16:01

Original World of Darkness

该系列为白狼公司所出的旧版黑暗世界规则设定,几大种族除了主线之外还有各自的副线。值得一提的是血族The Dark Ages副线与下文的Dark Ages是两条不同的产品线,需注意区分。

Word of Darkness--
Vampire: The MasqueradeVampire: The Dark Ages
Victorian Age Vampire
Kindred of the East
Werewolf: The Apocalypse
Werewolf: The Wild West
Mage: The Ascension
Mage: The Sorcerers Crusade
Wraith: The Oblivion
Wraith: The Great War
Changeling: The Dreaming--
Hunter: The Reckoning--
Demon: The Fallen--

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[WW2224] [WoD-M/2] Mummy (2nd ed.)
[WW2226] [WoD-AWoD/2] A World of Darkness (2nd ed.)
[WW2227] [WoD-DHX] Demon Hunter X
[WW2950] [KotE-B&S] Blood & Silk
[WW5399] [WoD-ToJ] Time of Judgement

—— White Wolf Magazine ——
[WWM #36] [WoD-TWoFD] The World of Future Darkness

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—— 1st/2nd/Revised(3rd) Edition ——
[WW2000] [V:tM/1] Vampire: The Masquerade (1st ed.)
[WW2002] [V:tM/2] Vampire: The Masquerade (2nd ed.)
[WW2006] [V:tM-DSotBH] Dirty Secrets of the Black Hand
[WW2021] [V:tM-G:tFA] Ghouls: the Fatal Addiction
[WW2023] [V:tM-CotN] Children of the Night
[WW2024] [V:tM-RotDM] Revelations of the Dark Mother
[WW2055] [V:tM-tPGttS] The Player’s Guide to the Sabbat
[WW2057] [V:tM-C:Tr] Clanbook: Tremere
[WW2101] [Vt:M-ToTB] Time of Thin Blood
[WW2102] [V:tM-AtA] Ashes to Ashes
[WW2103] [V:tM-BB] Blood Bond
[WW2203] [V:tM-CbN/2] Chicago by Night (2nd ed.)
[WW2225] [V:tM-SGttS] Storyteller's Guide to the Sabbat
[WW2233] [V:tM-E:TEW] Elysium: The Elder Wars
[WW2250] [V:tM-WWaV:CotI] Who’s Who among Vampires: Children of the Inquisition
[WW2251] [V:tM-tBoN] The Book of Nod
[WW2265] [V:tM-NoP] Nights of Prophecy
[WW2300] [V:tM/R] Vampire: The Masquerade (revised ed.)
[WW2302] [V:tM-GttC] Guide to the Camarilla
[WW2303] [V:tM-GttS] Guide to the Sabbat
[WW2304] [V:tM-VSH/R] Vampire Storytellers Handbook (revised ed.)
[WW2353] [V:tM-C:M/R] Clanbook: Malkavian (revised ed.)
[WW2354] [V:tM-C:N/R] Clanbook: Nosferatu (revised ed.)
[WW2359] [V:tM-C:A/R] Clanbook: Assamite (revised ed.)
[WW2361] [V:tM-C:Tz/R] Clanbook: Tzimisce (revised ed.)
[WW2400] [V:tM-EH] Eternal Hearts
[WW2424] [V:tM-GttA] Guide to the Anarchs
[WW2428] [V:tM-CC:tBH] Caine's Chosen: The Black Hand
[WW2432] [V:tM-CtB] Chaining the Beast
[WW2807] [V:tDA-LS1] Libellus Sanguinis I: Masters of the State
[WW2808] [V:tDA-TbN] Transylvania by Night
[WW2818] [V:tM-EF] The Erciyes Fragments
[WW2817] [V:tDA-C:B] Clanbook: Baali
[WW2822] [V:tDA-C:S] Clanbook: Salubri
[WW2900] [KotE] Kindred of the East (YotL)
[WW2901] [KotE-C] Kindred of the East Companion
[WW2902] [KotE-TTH] The Thousand Hells
[WW2904] [KotE-DB:D-T] Dharma Book: Devil-Tigers
[WW2920] [KotE] Half-Damned: Dhampyr
[WW2922] [KotE] Heresies of the Way
[WW2999] [V:tM-G] Gehenna (ToJ)
[WW11100] [CN:T] Clan Novel: Toreador
[WW11104] [CN:V] Clan Novel: Ventrue
[WW11910] [V:tM-G:tFN] Gehenna: The Final Night
[WW11192] [VAV-TWK] Victorian Age Trilogy 3: The Wounded King
[FS4005] [V:tM-WB:WbN] Wiener Blut: Wien bei Nacht
[V:tM-R:AbN] Reichsgold: Aachen bei Nacht

—— 20th Anniversary Edition (4th ed.) ——
[V:tM-20th] Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition
[V:tM-20th-RotB] Rites of the Blood
[V:tM-20th-CotR] Children of the Revolution
[V:tM-20th-TBH:AGTTT] The Black Hand: A Guide to the Tal'Mahe'Ra
[V:tM-20th-DA] Vampire 20th Anniversary Edition: The Dark Ages
[V:tM-20th-DA-ToS] Tome of Secrets
[V:tM-20th-FoC] Fall of Carthage

—— 5th Edition (5th ed.) ——
[V:tM-5e] Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition
[V:tM-5e-QS] The Monsters: A Vampire: the Masquerade 5th Edition Quickstart
[V:tM-5e-C] Camarilla
[V:tM-5e-A] Anarch
[V:tM-5e-S:TBH] Sabbat: The Black Hand

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—— 1st/2nd/Revised(3rd) Edition ——
[WW3059] [W:tA-T:SS] Tribebook: Silent Striders
[WW3108] [W:tA-WPG/R] Werewolf Players Guide (revised ed.)
[WW3401] [W:tA-WAW:GS] Who's Who Among Werewolves: Garou Saga
[WW3403] [W:tA-R:WotA] Rage: Warriors of the Apocalypse
[WW3801] [W:tA/R] Werewolf: The Apocalypse (revised ed.)
[WW3999] [W:tA-A] Apocalypse

—— 20th Anniversary Edition (4th ed.) ——
[W:tA-20th] Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition
[W:tA-20th-CW] Changing Ways

—— 5th Edition (5th ed.) ——
[W:tA-5e] Werewolf: The Apocalypse 5th Edition

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—— 1st/2nd/Revised(3rd) Edition ——
[WW4003] [M:tA-TBoC] The Book of Chantries
[WW4012] [M:tA-H:SoH] Horizon: Stronghold of Hope
[WW4014] [M:tA-GttT] Guide to the Technocracy (YotR)
[WW4017] [M:tA-MotA] Masters of the Art
[WW4045] [M:tA-DM] Dead Magic
[WW4046] [M:tA-BT] Blood Treachery
[WW4047] [M:tA-DotE] Dragons of the East
[WW4048] [M:tA-DMll] Dead Magic ll:Secrets and Survivors
[WW4059] [M:tA-TB:V] Tradition Book: Verbena
[WW4101] [M:tA-TCF] The Chaos Factor
[WW4300] [M:tA/2] Mage: The Ascension (2nd ed.)
[WW4600] [M:tA/R] Mage: The Ascension (revised ed.)
[WW4604] [M:tA-MSH] Mage Storytellers Handbook
[WW4663] [M:tA-TB:E/R] Tradition Book: Euthanatos (revised ed.)
[WW4664] [M:tA-TB:OoH/R] Tradition Book: Order of Hermes (revised ed.)
[WW4800] [M:tSC] Mage: The Sorcerers Crusade
[WW4999] [M:tA-A] Ascension
[M:tA-CB:P/R] Convention Book: Progenitors (revised ed.)
[M:tA-CB:S/R] Convention Book: Syndicate (revised ed.)
[M:tA-CB:VE/R] Convention Book: Void Engineers (revised ed.)

—— 20th Anniversary Edition (4th ed.) ——
[M:tA-20th] Mage: The Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition
[M:tA-20th-T:R] Technocracy: Reloaded
[M:tA-20th-S] Sorcerer
[M:tA-20th-VA] Victorian Age

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[WW6005] [W:tO-tFoD] The Face of Death
[WW6600] [W:tO/2] Wraith: The Oblivion (2nd ed.)

—— 20th Anniversary Edition (4th ed.) ——
[W:tO-20th] Wraith: The Oblivion 20th Anniversary Edition
[W:tO-20th-WoD:GH] World of Darkness: Ghost Hunters

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—— 1st/2nd/Revised(3rd) Edition ——
[WW7000] [C:tD/1] Changeling: The Dreaming (1st ed.)
[WW7300] [C:tD/2] Changeling: The Dreaming (2nd ed.)

—— 20th Anniversary Edition (4th ed.) ——
[C:tD-20th] Changeling: The Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition

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[WW8100] [H:tR] Hunter: The Reckoning
[WW8101] [H:tR-HSC] Hunter Storytellers Companion
[WW8103] [H:tR-HB:A] Hunter Book: Avenger
[WW8104] [H:tR-HB:D] Hunter Book: Defender
[WW8106] [H:tR-HB:I] Hunter Book: Innocent
[WW8107] [H:tR-HB:J] Hunter Book: Judge
[WW8109] [H:tR-HB:M] Hunter Book: Martyr
[WW8110] [H:tR-HB:R] Hunter Book: Redeemer
[WW8111] [H:tR-HB:V] Hunter Book: Visionary
[WW8112] [H:tR-HB:H] Hunter Book: Hermit
[WW8113] [H:tR-HB:W] Hunter Book: Wayward
[WW8120] [H:tR-PG] Player's Guide
[WW8135] [H:tR-FG] Fall From Grace
[WW8136] [H:tR-TS] The Spellbound

[WW11903] [H:tR-IE] Inherit the Earth

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[WW8200] [D:tF] Demon: The Fallen (YotD)
[WW8201] [D:tF-SC] Storyteller's Companion
[WW8202] [D:tF-PG] Demon: Players Guide
[WW8280] [D:tF-E] Earthbound
[WW8281] [D:tF-DoF] Days of Fire (ToJ)
[WW11904] [D:tF-LS] Lucifer's Shadow


[WW21000] [O] Orpheus

Dark Ages

该系列为白狼公司基于旧版规则开辟的中古风格独立产品线,经常有人将本系列的Dark Ages: Vampire与旧版血族的Vampire: The Dark Ages副线混淆,但其实这两者并不属于同一系列。该系列有且仅有一条产品线,包括了Vampire、Werewolf、Mage、Changeling等主要种族。

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[WW11208] [DA-CN:L] Dark Ages Clan Novel 5: Lasombra
[WW11216] [DA-CN:V] Dark Ages Clan Novel 12: Ventrue
[WW20000] [DA-V] Dark Ages: Vampire
[WW20002] [DA-M] Dark Ages: Mage
[WW20004] [DA-I] Dark Ages: Inquisitor
[WW20007] [DA-PGtHC] Players Guide to High Clans
[WW20021] [DA-BI] Dark Ages: British Isles
[WW20060] [DA-MG] Dark Ages: Mage Grimoire
[DA-DS] Darkening Sky

Posted by: inthel 2007-10-17, 11:08

Chronicles of Darkness


2012年改由Onyx Path发行之后,该系列被重命名为Chronicles of Darkness,本站讨论中提及的“New WoD”“新版”均指此系列。

此外原本的White Wolf ID亦被弃用,故自2013年起的Mummy: The Curse及后续产品线均无WW编号。

Chronicle of Darkness
Vampire: The Requiem
Werewolf: The Forsaken
Mage: The Awakening
Promethean: The Created
Changeling: The Lost
Hunter: The Vigil
Geist: The Sin-Eaters
Mummy: The Curse
Demon: The Descent
Beast: The Primordial
Deviant: The Renegades

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[WW55000/WW55002] [CofD-tWoD] the World of Darkness(2004)
[WW55100] [CofD-WoD:SS] World of Darkness: Second Sight
[WW55102] [CofD-WoD:A] World of Darkness: Armory
[WW55103] [CofD-WoD:CB] World of Darkness: Changing Breeds
[WW55302] [CofD-WoD:MP] World of Darkness: Mysterious Places
[WW30202] [CofD-WoD:SotU] World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
[WoD001] [CofD-WoD:tGMC] World of Darkness: The God-Machine Chronicle
[CofD] Chronicles of Darkness

[WW55303] [CofD-WoD:UL] World of Darkness: Urban Legends
[WW55400] [CofD-WoD:GS] World of Darkness: Ghost Stories
[WW55555] [CofD-WoD:S] World of Darkness: Slasher

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[WW25000] [V:tR] Vampire: The Requiem
[WW25103] [V:tR-B:tL] Bloodlines: The Legendary
[WW25120] [V:tR-OD] Ordo Dracul
[WW25603] [V:tR-VTG] Vampire Translation Guide
[V:tR-B&S:tSC] Blood and Smoke: The Strix Chronicle / [V:tR-2E] Vampire the Requiem Second Edition

[WW25113] [V:tR-M:SitD] Mekhet: Shadows in the Dark
[WW25110] [V:tR-G] Ghouls

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The heaven is not enough.

[WW30000] [W:tF] Werewolf: The Forsaken
[WW30001] [W:tF-tR:FPG] The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
[WW30101] [W:tF-L:tF] Lodges: The Faithful
[WW30110] [W:tF-tP] The Pure
[WW30200] [W:tF-HG:tR] Hunting Ground: The Rockies
[WW30300] [W:tF-P] Predators
[WW30303] [W:tF-B] Blasphemies
[W:tF-2E] Werewolf: The Forsaken Second Edition

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[WW40000] [M:tAw] Mage: The Awakening
[WW40100] [M:tAw-L:tS] Legacies: The Sublime
[WW40200] [M:tAw-BU] Boston Unveiled
[WW40301] [M:tAw-TotW] Tome of the Watchtowers
[WW40308] [M:tAw-tFC] The Free Council
[WW40312] [M:tAw-KttST] Keys to the Supernal Tarot
[WW40321] [M:tAw-SotT] Seers of the Throne
[M:tAw-SE] Mage: the Awakening - Second Edition

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[WW60000] [P:tC] Promethean: The Created
[P:tC-2E] Promethean: The Created Second Edition
[P:tC-NH:TT] Night Horrors: The Tormented

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[WW70000] [C:tL] Changeling: The Lost
[C:tL 2E] Changeling: the Lost Second Edition

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[WW55550] [H:tV] Hunter: The Vigil
[H:tV - MR] Hunter: The Vigil - Mortal Remain
[H:tV-2E] Hunter:The Vigil Second Edition
[WW55566] [H:tV-C&C] Hunter:The Vigil - Compacts&Conspiracies
[H:tV-WF] Hunter: The Vigil - Witch Finders

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[WW60500] [G:tSE] Geist: The Sin-Eaters
[G:tSE-2E] Geist: The Sin-Eater Second Edition

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[M:tC] Mummy: The Curse

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[D:tD] Demon: The Descent

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[B:tP] Beast: The Primordial

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[D:tR] Deviant: The Renegades

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