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> 国王谷的历史, a thick leatherbound book labeled 'history'
2024-04-03, 06:14
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- The history of the valley -

Written and collected by historian Zer the great

Time in the valley

The valley uses two week system, the first one being the 6 day one
set by the king Ema'ka during the Ka dynasty and the second being the 7 day
one set by the new emperor to improve productability. Both of the weeks
have 2 holidays.


Timechart of the events

After the climate warming the valley was generated by the meltwater
rivers from the unfreezing lizardman mountains.


In the beginning the valley was green and fertile and many animals
prospered. After the animals came the northern tribes and they were
the original settlers in the valley. For centuries they lived their
nomadic life, moving after their prey.


The climate kept warming up and the areas surrounding the lizardmen
mountains were soon to be desert. The isolated position of the valley
meant the end for most of the unlucky species living in the valleys
ecosystem. Soon after the dramatic reduction in the amount of the animals
the tribes merged.


Later in the fertile junction of the three rivers, where the village still is,
agriculture was invented. The wild corn and the wild wheat was harnessed
to become the main food source for the people of the valley. Livestock
was bred from the wild oxen. The first of emperor was selected
by fair election. The dynasty of Ib had begun.


Even after the tribes had merged and no distinction between people who belong
where could be made, three gods were worshipped. The names of the ancient gods
are unimportant and have been since forgotten. Later the worship of those gods
changed into a routine of sacrifice and various festivities.


Some of those festivities are still celebrated in the valley; summer
solstice, winter solstice, the harvest festival in the late summer,
festival for the sowing and the sacrificial festival in midwinter in hope
for good crop.


Even as the delta of the three rivers in the valley is fertile all
year around and the crop can be harvested three times around the year, the
sacrificial festival for better crop became the most important event
for the people of valley. Festivities lasted for several days and
lots of effort was practically wasted by burning and pillaging the stocks
of the previous season for the benefit of the next one. As mentioned
previously, the people of the valley had forgotten the original religious
meaning of the festival and the dynasty of Ib prospered. The king Pen'en-en'eb
the second enjoyed the full unwavering confidence of the people.


The real gods were perplexed. Valuable sacrificial energy was being wasted
in the festivals and the donations didn't have a valid target. The young
pantheon couldn't decide which one of the deities should take glory
as the god of the valley. It was a stalemate between good and evil,
chaos and order.


Before the upheaval there was no need for complex political hierarchy among
the people of the valley. The people were ruled by the emperor from the Ib
clan together with the leaders of the six of the largest clans. Nobody saw
it necessary to change this, and everyone was living peacefully together.


First, the astrologists of the valley paid attention to the fact that
a set of seven stars on the eastern skies vanished. Few days apart from this
incident seven shooting stars were seen, followed by loud noise and
earthquakes. The southern lake of the valley is said to be created by
one of the stars hitting the lake. Years went by and things continued
the way they they had always been going.


One spring day changed the things in the valley. A mystical portal was found
near the southeastern lake. The council, formed from the group of seven
mentioned in the earlier chapter, quickly decided to seal the portal until
they would know what to do with it.


The council's decision was simple; the possibility to enlarge the empire
had to be taken and the valley's future was set. The council decided that it
would be best if they equipped an expedition. The expedition was named after
the six clan leaders who lead it and it became later known as
'The Group Of Six'.


The group was very well equipped and the most agile hunters and warriors of
each clan were selected to the voyage with their leaders. The council
thought that trading of the goods and presents would be the best way to greet
any foreigners they might encounter during their journey. Immeasurable amounts
of treasures were carried by the expedition.


When the day of departure became, people gathered to the shores of the lake
to farewell their loved ones. King Pen'en-en'eb spoke great words and everyone
was feeling hopeful. With brave hearts, one by one, the expedition stepped
into the portal and to the great unknown.


A week went by and people had high spirits. A month went by and the people
were getting a bit worried about the result of the expedition. A year went by
and no trace of the group was seen. People were curious to know the truth and
some brave souls entered the portal alone. None of them were ever seen before
the portal disappeared as suddenly as it had appeared after being there
exactly two years, two months and twenty two days.


Soon after the disappearing of the portal, things changed even more. Tall
strangers clad in dark outlandish clothing appeared to the valley. Livestock
was being killed by unidentified beasts. The people have inbuilt feature to
explain unnatural things as natural and the killings were put on the fault
of the hungry wolfpacks. Stockpiles were sabotaged. Some houses burned without
any reason. Women died on childbirth when wicked but vigor mutants were born.


Famine swept over the valley. Some people were moving out from the valley
and those were to be later called as the refugees. All the glory of the
Ib dynasty was gone forever. The treasury was empty and no festivities
were held.


The strangers quickly took all the commanding positions that were left open
by the leaders that took part on the expedition and were lost. The strangers
started to tell stories about their gods and how they could have prevented
all of these unlucky happenings.


Later, during the same winter, a stranger called Ru'shan - who was the head
medical officer of the Ib dynasty's court - announced that the last king of
the Ib dynasty - Pen'en-en'eb - had passed away. People moaned in sorrow -
Who could help them? The strangers assured them that there is an answer to
all of their prayers; their religion and their head priest as their new king.


There wasn't even an option, the priest of the strangerses religion took
the position of the new ruler and the new religion took place. Nobody knows
what really happened but everything seemed to be well. Crop grew well and gave
excellent yield. The wolfpacks were no longer seen and livestock grew
fine & fat and produced lots of milk and meat.


The new religion was monotheistic instead of their original nomadic
polytheist religions. For people who had been living without state
upheld religion the change from pagan to humble believer was huge.
On the other hand seemed to work well and the god was easily pleased.


The strangers declared the new king one-sidedly as earthly god and that
he or she shall be treated as one. New festivities were held on the same
days as before, but now in the name of the religion and the king. People
did like this because they were having as much fun as before and they
were being treated well.


Monetary system was introduced by the strangers and government was
created. The land was ruled democratically by the strangers and the
king. Nobody from the original tribes could raise their voices on
anything that mattered. The land was divided and the shares were
given to the hands of the strangers.


Where did the strangers come from and what did they want? Well,
what they wanted is unimportant. They might have wanted power, wealth
and all the things they were given. What was more important to the
valley, is what their god wanted.


Several hundred years earlier, a blink in the eyes of the eternal spirits,
a young but bloodthirst deity called Asharu had used the
confusion in the pantheon and managed to harness the religious power
leaking from the people of the valley to serve his selfish and
destructive needs. The pantheon was outraged and Asharu was expelled.


Each member of the pantheon has their own pantheon in the sky. As
asharu was expelled, his constellation fell with him. Asharu was
banished to a dimension of existence so deep that there was nothing except
endlessly time there.


Bad for the valley and the pantheon, Asharu had managed to get followers.
These followers were powerful demons and they too were bound to wander
in their own dimension. The years went by and followers managed to create
contact between their and Asharu's dimension. Later they combined their
powers with him and created a cunning plan.


First they desperately needed to gain some more energy and they decided
to spend rest of their powers to create a interdimensional portal. The
portal that lead from the surface of the valley to the underworld. In the
beginning, the dimension was only one way. When one comes, one could go.
They were sure some people were stupid enough to enter through the portal,
before the gods would notice and remove their portal. That would be their
way to send some of their own to the surface.


Every god needs their constellation to fully gain the control over their
powers. The stars of Asharu's constellation fell to the valley of the kings.
Some of the stars, or shards, were found by the people there and some were
yet to be found.


Group of six entered and they were captured and killed. Six of the demons
were sent to the surface of the valley. Under human appearances they
managed to bring one of the shards back and managed to get Asharu
a bit closer to their plane. This is when Asharu got the hold of
items of the group of six.


Pantheon was swept with concern. Something must be done, and fast!
Asharu was once again pushed to his lone dimension and this time with
few angels to hold him. The angels of truth are not very strong, but
strong enough to hold him steadily on the prison dimension.


To be of fully use, and to enable the demons to go and kill the angels,
all the shards would need to be brought near the dimensional bubble, that was
now the visible form of Asharu's dimension of prisonment.


For this reason, everything needed to be perfect for the moment of Asharu's
return, and the followers built a temple that would enable their master to
return to the earth, and reclaim his place in the pantheon. The temple is
placed right next to the dimensional bubble in the underworld and contains
seven slots for the seven shards of Asharu. The shards of pride, envy,
gluttony, lust, anger, greed and sloth.


The gods of the pantheon removed the portal, but later they decided that
Asharu would be better completely destroyed. There was no way for them to
destroy Asharu, even if they wanted to. To make sure only the right kind of
people could enter the underworld on this purpose, they created a very
complex way to enter the underworld.


The legend goes that the tomb of king Kha is actually built to
cleverly hide the remains of the portal. It is said that the remains
of the interdimensional portal between surface and the underworld
were hidden under the white pyramid by the most clever of the dwarven
builders, valley astrologists and old priests. The starlight projected
from the dark constellation of Asharu will open the portal.


The system to open the portal is said to consists of complex beam projector
and aiming system. The light beam needs to be projected with the exactly
right types of prisms and gems. The beam projector is said to be mostly
inbuilt into the pyramid and the underlying tomb. The tunnels of the tomb
are perfectly carved to guide the beam of light where it needs to be going.


The aiming system is said to be a complex combination of astrology,
fine mechanics and optics. The aim consists of certain starmap and
a complicated statue. If these items ever existed, or where these items
are now, and how are they operated is not known.

2024-04-07, 10:08
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