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> [罗曼史]巴尔之孙诞生了
2005-07-18, 20:59
Post #1

Nice(神) Boat(舟)
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Group: Sinker
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Joined: 2005-07-01
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Aerie: Please... my love. *groan* I must... I must stop for the night. I... I think it's time! The baby is coming!


Keldorn: You... you are with child, Aerie? But... but you are not married! Unless we sanctify your union with <CHARNAME> this child will be a bast...

Anomen: You... you are with child, Aerie? But... but you are not married! This child will be a bast...

Edwin: Well, it would seem the leader of our little group has impregnated the impressionable circus child. (And here I thought she was merely getting chubby without the ring master's whip to keep her in shape.)

Viconia: So the wingless one is pregnant? I thought she was merely becoming fat.

Nalia: This is so exciting! Here, let me help. I have a little experience with child birth... though not much.

Mazzy: This is so exciting! Here, let me help. I have a little experience with child birth... though not much.

Cernd: Ah, this time comes sooner than I expected... I have little experience with the gestation period of the Avariel. Do not give me that look, <CHARNAME>. Did you really think we were so blind we would not see Aerie's swollen belly beneath her robes? Fortunately I have prepared some herbs to ease her pain during this coming ordeal.

Jaheira: Ah, this time comes sooner than I expected... I have little experience with the gestation period of the Avariel. Do not give me that look, <CHARNAME>. Did you really think we were so blind we would not see Aerie's swollen belly beneath her robes? Fortunately I have prepared some herbs to ease her pain during this coming ordeal.

Jansen: So... you finally got little Aerie pregnant. About time, if I do say so myself. You two were going at it like a pair of hormonally imbalanced bunnies. I was beginning to wonder if <CHARNAME>'s bow was out of arrows, if you get my drift. It's like the time my cousin Hedgehog...


Aerie: Augh... it hurts! Oh, my love... come quickly. Take my hand, please!

<CHARNAME>: Don't worry, Aerie. I'm right here. Just... uh... just breathe!

Aerie: I... oh! the pain! *gasp* *pant* I... I can do this, <CHARNAME>... as long as you're with me.


Aerie: It's a boy! Oh, what a beautiful son we have - look at him wiggle his toes!


Korgen: Huh - I thought ye flyin' elves hatched yer young from eggs! Ach - 'tis too bad... I fancied an omelet this morning!

Jansen: You did well, Aerie. He's a fine, healthy looking baby! Reminds me of the advice me own father gave me about raising kids. Jan, he said, whatever you do... HEY! The little tyke just smiled at me!

Imoen: Oh... he's so precious. Hey, since <CHARNAME> and I are brother and sister, I guess this makes me an aunt!


Aerie: I... I have a name chosen already, <CHARNAME>. If you don't mind. I want to call him Quayle.

<CHARNAME>: I would be proud to have my son named after your Uncle, Aerie.

Aerie: Hello, Quayle... can you say 'mommy'? Oh, he is so cute. He looks just like you, <CHARNAME>. He looks just like a little <PRO_RACE>. Why don't you hold him for a bit? You won't break him.


Valygar: <CHARNAME>, you must be very proud. I was against having children of my own, given my family's cursed bloodline... but if you're willing to give it a try, maybe I should reconsider.

Haer'Dalis: Ah, <CHARNAME>... had you not kept young Aerie's condition secret, I would have composed a sonnet to celebrate this great occasion!

Minsc: Congratulations, <CHARNAME>. Soon this tiny one will be planting his wee feet into the backside of evil, just like his daddy! We should give him a tiny sword to wave at the villains as we battle! Oh... Boo says that may not be such a good idea.


Aerie: He's certainly a handsome lad, isn't he? Just like his daddy. Can you say 'daddy' little Quayle? Can you say 'mommy'? Oh, he looks hungry. You better give him back to me for a bit.

<CHARNAME>: Here he is... mommy. How are you feeling after all this?

Aerie: I'll be fine, <CHARNAME>. I'll just patch myself up with a few healing spells and I'll be ready to go. Help strap little Quayle onto my back, and we can set off again and make the world a better place for our son.
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