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> 【V5】Chicago by Night v5 第三章 城市 部分内容翻译(摘录自P48-P50)
2024-06-16, 14:49
Post #1

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Chicago by Night v5中部分介绍芝加哥的内容翻译。使用的译名都是根据我自己的习惯,可能会有些别扭,我会附上英文原文,方便大家对照。主题中隐藏的部分是我替规则书的这部分内容找的地球ol原型事件溯源,希望大家能够喜欢,如果能替大家在rp时增加更多代入感就更好啦。

This post has been edited by [email protected]: 2024-06-17, 20:45
2024-06-16, 14:55
Post #2

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A Tale of Two Cities

Chicago is a series of paradoxes and transitions, of ever-changing paradigms and whimsy. It is both beautiful and putrid, both corrupt and a pillar of truth, an unstoppable force for change while holding onto the past with holing desperation. Chicago’s inherent dichotomy is reflected in the people, buildings, neighborhoods, history, and, most definitely, in its vampires.

Anyone who knows Chicago knows division is part of its makeup. It has two of almost everything. Newspapers, pizza styles, baseball teams – Chicago is often referenced as the most segregated city in the world. These borders, often disguised as viaducts, were intentionally put into place by systematic political machines with overtly racist and bigoted biases. While many of those machines were dismantled via the unending waves of time, the scars remain and some of that machinery is still in working order, perpetuating age-old agendas and schemes.

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Chicago is a gilded city. Beautiful and glittering, a wonder of modern development laid upon the bones of history and the backs of the less fortunate. A home to some of the darkest corruption and most trying needs. A school-board president stealing money from children -- a crime strangely common to Chicago – is a good example of the reckless brutality the city exudes.

When threatened, Chicago gains a unified, undeniably proud, dangerous populace. Wielding the malice of a swam of hornets, Chicagoans bring ruin upon those who dare to question their will. The populace gladly speaks ill of the myriad problems plaguing their home but the moment an outsider does the same, those same Chicagoans will become fiercely defensive of their city.

The city in a Vampire: The Masquerade chronicle is just as an essential aspect of your campaign as your players or the storyline. It drives forward the moods and themes you want to build within your game. It is the blueprint you lay across your chronicle and provides boundaries, areas of inquiry, and setting for the horrors that occur in the night. It provides a backdrop and impetus for action and reaction. Yet it doesn’t possess one defined flavor. Each block, each tenant building, and each neighborhood has a very distinctive flow and energy.The city of skyscrapers has infinite possibilities for the Damned. While the so-called “pillar clans” of the Camarilla – Ventrue, Toreador, and Tremere – tend to stay close to the city center (often referred to as the Loop, or in Kindred parlance, “The Hive”), the other clans act as satellites around the neighborhoods and sides. Each section of the city has a specific feel to it, almost a little city of its own.

Then there are the Lasombra. Their attempt to join the Camarilla has caused a brand-new set of problems within Kindred society. With the exodus of Brujah and Gangrel from the Camarilla, and the new influx of Cainite power, old, well-known territory lines have fallen into disarray. Feeding grounds are now subject to the disputes of the Jyhad. Possession, after all, is nine-tenthe of the law, and clans across the city are committing to open or sbutle actions to claim positions and areas of influence.

This post has been edited by [email protected]: 2024-06-17, 12:20
2024-06-16, 14:59
Post #3

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The Fifth Star

There are four red stars on the Chicago flag, each for a famous event in the city’s history. These events have been monumental levels of achievement or horrifying tragedies. Over the years there have been multiple petitions to the city to add a fifth star. These were always shut down, but the petitions always represented massive shifts in the cities culture and makeup. One was even proposed for the huge floods that ravaged the city in 1992. That petition became a point of contention between the Tremere and Nosferatu, as the Nosferatu believed it to be some sort of insult to their survival. The most recent and perhaps most dynamic proposal in contemporary memory was to add a star to signify the years of development in an attempt to bid for the 2016 Olympics.

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To most mortal eyes, the Olympics are a transient event in which athletes play games at a superior level for the eyes of an appreciative audience. That’s it. They mean nothing more than a month or so of sports taking up the airwaves. Some even resent the interruption to their regular programming.

To the investor, the city planner, the government, and the Kindred, an event like the Olympics is a chance to inject life, money, radical changes to infrastructure, and economic strength into its host city, and potentially the country within which it sits. Many take the Olympics for granted, but no other event brings in upwards of hundreds of thousands of tourists and their money to a single city in such a short period of time. Bidding to play host for the games is a costly endeavor, but when it goes well and the city manages the surge, everyone benefits.

The 2016 Olympic bid signaled a burst of mortal and immortal activity in Chicago. Mainly, it brought the possibility of an increased kine population and cashflow throughout the city. The kindred community of Chicago was excited by the prospect and began influencing it in their own ways. They founded numerous influence movements, shifting kine form areas in which they’d lived for generations, manipulating the leveling of entire neighborhoods in an attempt at “city building,” through of course average citizens refer to it as “gentrification”.

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The sudden surge in Kindred control over mortal infrastructure greatly affected Kevin Jackson. The young Ventrue had carefully cultivated his area of control within the Cabrini Green neighborhood and the gangland. With an unknown promise from his broodmate and Prince, Joseph Peterson, he gave up his area of control in a brief moment of solidarity for the betterment of the city. Against his best judgement, he even snitched on several of his gangland contacts in a city-wide sting that broke up the three major gangs that had control of the city.

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City resources were outsourced to the highest bidder for century-long contracts, contracts obviously put into place by those only who could benefit from the inability to age. The levels of resentment are still alive and well to present nights, where working-class citizens felt as if they were taken advantage of during the process. They felt the city did not care, that the great goddess Columbia, mother of the city born from the excess of the Columbian Expositions, had turned her loving gaze away form her children.

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Kindred worldwide began falling into this swirling chaos of influence management overwhelming the city. Chicago, being known as “the Jewel of the American Camarilla,” pulled in favors and boons ages old to try to raise the grand sporing event into being. They lost sight of what the Olympics were, some investors not even knowing the reason they were pouring money into Chicago other than their peers were doing the same. The brief Prince, Joseph Peterson, used every bit of his leverage to fulfill this goal, placing the very soul of the city of Chicago, and the legitimacy of his praxis, upon the table to make the Olympics happen. He grew so fixated on this one event he lost sight of the cost, should the bid fail.

The day of announcement was well publicized. With the media controlled by the Prince of the city, all eyes were trained upon the then-sitting mayor, Richard M. Daley Jr. and adoring Chicagoans. The Prince went to sleep that morning knowing he would wake to showing the world how he had clad the Camarilla’s Jewel in gold. The cult of personality surrounding Daley that Peterson’s media machine had carefully cultivated over the years was in full display, the presumed “father of Chicago” taking the city into the future with all its citizens ready to reap the benefits. In those moments, Chicagoans were so sure they had won.

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The headline photographs in all the major newspaper outlets showed Daley and his surrounding fans, all in complete shock that they not only didn’t win, but they were the first city to be let go in the process. The outrage and schadenfreude spread through the city like wildfire. Bussinesses had taken out loans to support the wave of people, the city had lost huge amounts of possible income by not only losing the Olympics but also outsourcing their assets. The complete and utter loss of the hopes of gigantic returns for the city shook it to its core. People were, and still are, furious.

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To add insult to injury, the location picked was a then-Sabbat stronghold, Rio de Janeiro.

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While the city had been perfectly coiffed and manicured by Peterson praxis, the show had no return and all the accumulated debts of boons and money weighed heavily upon the Prince. The Primogen Council completely lost faith in the sitting Prince and the city questioned heavily the power of the Ventrue. Their pawn in the office of the mayor was replaced as quickly as possible, seen as a scar from the monumental failure. Peterson tried to pivot into the fame the city was garnering from Barack Obama but to no avail. Debts still laid bare in the black ink of Critias’ pen and the machinations of Peterson’s family were even worse.

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Keven Jackson had risked his entire protfolio for Peterson. Jackson’s rebellious tendencies rose up from the insult, where his sibling in the vitae refused to pay back any of his investment. Peterson often handwaved loss as something that made the city better behind closed doors to other broodmates, but “just the cost of doing business” was not an acceptable excuse to Kevin. He made his own deals with Inyanga of the Gangrel, seized up territory through criminal means, and petitioned the Primogen Council that he would make a more effective Prince than Peterson, the lingering Maxwell (who had not outright declared his defection from the Camarilla), or pure council rule.
凯文 杰克逊为了彼得森赌上了自己所有资产。杰克逊的背叛之心源于其朋友拒绝对他的投资做任何补偿。彼得森常私下里对其他朋友搪塞说损失一些东西会让这座城市变得更好,然而对凯文来说“仅仅是做生意的成本而已”是个不能接受的理由。他私下里与冈格罗氏族的扬嘉做了笔交易,通过犯罪的手段夺取领地,并且向族长议会请愿,认为自己当选君王来管理芝加哥,会彼得森、苟延残喘的麦克斯韦尔(他还没有直接宣布背叛密党)或者族长议会更有效率。

The induction of Kevin Jackson as Prince rocked the Camarilla community. Not only has there never been someone so young sitting in praxis of the Jewel, rarely have the Ventrue openly shown such internal conflict. Young Kindred swayed to Jackson’s side, looking for someone who would finally listen to their concerns. He has also been perceived as soft on the rising tide of the second Anarch Rebellion, much to the dismay of the city elders. They might have been able to hamstring his ascenesion, but for the Beckoning weakening their numbers. The echoes of the catastrophe that was the 2016 Olympic bid still weigh heavily on the city, and old debts have still yet to been paid, but Jackson is determined to forge ahead, exiling Peterson as a shame of Ventrue.
凯文 杰克逊被选为君王震撼了密党。从前从来没有如此年轻的亲族掌管芝加哥,樊卓也几乎不这么公开内部冲突。年轻的亲族们站在了杰克逊的一边,他们期待有人终于能听取他们的心声了。大家也认为他在第二次安那其叛乱的浪潮中表现软弱,这让该城的长老们很懊恼。如果不是“召唤”减少了长老们的数量,他们可能会阻碍他的晋升。2016年申奥的灾难仍然沉重地压在这座城市的肩头,旧的债务仍然没有还清【15】,不过杰克逊决心继续前进,把彼得森作为樊卓之耻流放。

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The change of praxis ecoes in the mortal realm. The mayor of Chicago decided to step down with Peterson;s disappearance, and over a dozen contenders threw their hats in the ring in response. The city stands on the edge of a massive shift. Old, well-known names and other parties are making plays for control of the city. While Jackson has declared his praxis, he quietly fears he may have lost touch with the speed of mdern society’s advancement.

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This post has been edited by [email protected]: 2024-06-17, 20:35
2024-06-16, 15:00
Post #4

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Field of White

The Chicago flag was adopted by the city in 1917 after holding a city-wide competition. Considered one of the most aesthetically pleasing flags in the world by vexillologists (a point of pride often mentioned by the city’s Toreador), it is broken into three parts. The first part is the field of white. This represents the north, west, and South Sides of the city. The East Side is often forgotten about as most people just laugh and retort, “what? The lake?” but it does have a series of neighborhoods of note.

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Land is essential to a vampire society. From the land, vampires build most of their laws or interactions. Be it territory, the parasitic relationship with the population of places, or controlling (or dealing with) the politics play out in a Vampire: The Masquerade chronicle. With the waves of change, the city is now experiencing shifts in well-known boundary lines. Kindred that once knew their feeding grounds down to the gangway at which it stopped now question what they can get away with it.

To take it a step further, environment helps make a chronicle and the PC’s night-to-night lives. A rather well-known as the ecological system theory, provides a perspective that human beings developed in a series of nesting structures, each lager than the last, and each providing environmental forces that guide and build humans. Vampires are no different. From family to coterie, gang, and pack, to neighborhood and city, these factors all build upon one another to create the environmental system of a Storyteller’s game world.

This post has been edited by [email protected]: 2024-06-17, 20:38
2024-06-16, 15:09
Post #5

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2024-06-16, 23:30
Post #6

Walk in Darkness
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2024-06-17, 12:14
Post #7

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QUOTE(inthel @ 2024-06-16, 23:30) *


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2024-06-17, 12:55
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