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Leather - 皮
Wood - 木
Bone - 骨
Copper - 铜(常用于约束灵魂,附着魔法。英格维仙人经常使用铜甲。
Adra - 魂珀


wyr wool - 丝绒,鹿林特产 (括号君暂译)
gal glas / gal glas timber - 绿荆木,鹿林特产 (括号君暂译)
Vorlas - 紫金草,瑞德赛拉斯特产,价格高昂的紫色染料


Oromi steel – 偌姆钢
Glanfathan steel – 格兰芬瑟钢。
Wyflan steel – 怀弗兰钢
March steel – 白际钢
Ymyran steel – 鑫兰钢
Durgan steel – 煅钢
Skein steel – 缠灵钢

Durgan iron ingots — 锻钢生铁
refined Durgan iron ingots — 锻钢精铁


Copper Pand - 铜板。鹿林
Copper Skeyt - 铜钱。聚鹿帝国
Copper Awld - 铜结。 艾尔格兰芬瑟
Silver Lusce - 银鱼。瓦利亚共和国
Silver Fenning - 银玢。聚鹿帝国
Golden Suole - 金阳。瓦利亚共和国
Golden Duc - 金爵。鹿林
Golden Scelling - 金貝。聚鹿帝国
Golden Oble - 金重币。瓦利亚共和国
Adra Eniach - 珀碟。 艾尔格兰芬瑟

Readceran Skeyt - 瑞德赛铜钱
A small copper coin, identical in value to the Aedyran variety of the same name and the Dyrwoodan pand.
Readceran Fenning - 瑞德赛银玢
Readceran fennings are typically stamped with the Penitential Regency's heraldry, or else with images of the vorlas plant associated with Readceras' once-thriving dye exports. The coin's value is identical to that of the silver Aedyran fenning using throughout the Empire and its colonial territories, though Readceran coins are not nearly as widespread.
Stalwart Boney - 坚忍村骨元
Stalwart's residents use assorted pieces of carved fish bone as a supplemental currency. Most “boneys” are carved from a large flat spot on the skulls of speckleback fish. The carvings are intricate enough that outsiders find them valuable for their artistry.


Admeth's Wyrt - 艾棯
Berath's Bell - 贝拉斯之铃
Blood Moss - 血苔
Burned Lady - 焦燃女士
Brintwn Ban - 白绒
Cave Coral - 穴珊瑚
Dyrcap - 鹿盖菇
Golden Celery - 金芹
Orlan's Cradle - 绒精摇篮
Pilgrim's Crown - 朝圣冕
River Reed - 河苇
Ryngr Berries - 游侠莓
Settler's Arrow - 殖民者之箭
Skaenbone - 司坎之骨
Springberry - 春莓
St Gyran's Horn - 圣吉岚的号角
Tyn Hat - 锡帽菇
Vorlas - 紫金草


Adra Dragon Scale - 魂珀龙鳞
Awakened Wood - 觉醒木
Awakened Adra - 觉醒珀
Awakened Root - 觉醒根
Beetle Shell - 甲壳
Binding Copper - 铜线卷
Bog Dragon Scale - 沼泽龙鳞
Dank Spores - 湿孢子
Drake Talon - 亚龙爪
Kraken Eye - 海怪眼
Lagufaeth Liver - 鱼人肝
Ogre Blood - 食人魔血
Ooze Plasma - 泥怪细胞
Primal Flame - 焰精魂
Primal Rock - 岩精魂
Primal Water - 水精魂
Primal Wind - 风精魂
Skuldr Ear - 蝠魔耳
Sky Dragon Eye - 天龙眼
Spear Spider Leg - 利矛蜘蛛脚
Spider Venom Sac - 蜘蛛毒囊
Spirit Residue - 灵体残余
Stelgaer Tooth - 狮尾虎齿
Troll Skin - 巨魔皮
Vessel Bone - 魂躯的骨骼
Vessel Flesh - 魂躯的血肉
Vithrack Brain - 蛛人脑
Wurm Wing - 幼龙翼
Xaurip Tongue - 蜥人舌


Bloodstone - 血石
Adra - 魂珀
Adra Bán - 魂晶
Agate - 玛瑙
Amethyst - 紫晶
Diamond - 钻石
Emerald - 祖母绿
Garnet - 石榴石
Jasper - 墨玉
Moonstone - 月长石
Opal - 猫眼石
Pearl - 珍珠
Peridot - 橄榄石
Ruby - 红宝石
Sapphire - 蓝宝石
Ta ondra tara - 昂德拉之牙
Topaz - 晶玉
Turquoise - 绿松石
Velune - 薇露晶


毒品的英文原名及中文翻译 毒品效果(似乎不全)
Blacsonn - 贝松酒 命中+ 2集中值,+ 2感知,600秒
Carow Golan - 喀柔浆 命中+ 4集中值,+ 2感知,+ 2敏捷,- 2智力,600秒
Svef - 幻叶果 + 10耐力上限,+ 4意志,命中- 2集中值,- 2感知,600秒
Whiteleaf - 白叶 + 2意志,20疲劳,600秒
Snowcap - 雪盖菇 + 10意志,- 2感知,600秒
Goldrot Chew - 金须胶 -20疲劳,600秒
Ripple Sponge - 涟绵粉 +10%耐力上限,对抗毒素疾病时+25防御,-4决心,600秒
Gravestep - 鬼门帷 +25%概率将击中转为重击,-20%耐力上限,600秒


Fireball Trap - 火球陷阱
Arrow Trap - 箭矢陷阱
Boiling Spray Trap - 沸雾陷阱
Bounding Missiles Trap - 集束飞弹陷阱
Chain Lightning Trap - 连锁闪电陷阱
Concussive Missiles Trap - 震荡飞弹陷阱
Dart Trap - 飞镖陷阱
Fan of Flames Trap - 火扇陷阱
Freezing Pillar Trap - 冰柱陷阱
Gaze of the Adragan Trap - 魂珀凝视陷阱
Hail of Darts Trap - 镖阵陷阱
Malignant Cloud Trap - 毒云陷阱
Noxious Burst Trap - 毒爆陷阱
Pillar of Holy Fire Trap - 圣火之柱陷阱
Poison Dart Trap - 毒镖陷阱
Poisonous Cloud Trap - 臭云陷阱
Sunlance Trap - 阳炎之枪陷阱
Tanglefoot Trap - 藤蔓陷阱
Storm of Fire Trap - 烈火风暴陷阱
Chaotic Orb Trap - 混乱魔球陷阱
Killing Bolt Trap - 杀戮之矢陷阱
Freezing Rake Trap - 寒冰之爪陷阱
Wilting Wind Trap - 凋零之风陷阱
Infestation of Spiders Trap - 群蛛侵袭陷阱
Pestilent Cloud Trap - 疫云陷阱


Mocga's Tears - 陌佳之泪
Berath's Kiss - 贝拉斯之吻


sonnread - 松梅/松梅酒
Bitter spirit - 苦灵酒
speckleback - 斑背鱼
irontooth pike - 钢齿梭
frostdiver fish - 霜跃鱼
Fennlan Liquor - 芬岚酒
White Ynefer - 白琴酒
wyrthoneg - 草蜜酒

poe/本地化/物品/start.txt · 最后更改: 2017/04/12 00:57 由 tyrfing
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