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> “铁血秘影”版块的索引帖, 罗伯特·E·霍华德作品目录、译文、游戏知识介绍
Roman Hook
2024-06-25, 20:21
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Ⅰ.Robert E. Howard作品目录


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Roman Hook
2024-06-25, 20:32
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Robert E. Howard作品目录


柯南系列国内至少出过四版实体书,大部分小说都已被译出,但各个版本收录的篇目各不相同,另外《The Hour of the Dragon》和《The Black Stranger》这两篇最长的似乎没有翻译;所罗门·凯恩系列有一版实体书,收录了核心的几篇。(以上这些书都已经很老了)

Beyond the Black River
Black Colossus
The Black Stranger
The Devil in Iron
Drums of Tombalku
The Frost-Giant's Daughter
The God in the Bowl
The Hall of the Dead
The Hand of Nergal
The Hour of the Dragon
The Hyborian Age
Iron Shadows in the Moon
Jewels of Gwahlur
The People of the Black Circle
The Phoenix on the Sword
The Pool of the Black One
Queen of the Black Coast
Red Nails
Rogues in the House
The Scarlet Citadel
Shadows in Zamboula
The Snout in the Dark
The Tower of the Elephant
The Vale of Lost Women
A Witch Shall Be Born
Wolves Beyond the Border
Xuthal of the Dusk

所罗门·凯恩系列Solomon Kane
Blades of the Brotherhood
The Castle of the Devil
The Children of Asshur
Death's Black Riders
The Footfalls Within
Hawks of Basti
The Hills of the Dead
The Moon of Skulls
The One Black Stain
Rattle of Bones
Red Shadows
The Return of Sir Richard Grenville
The Right Hand of Doom
Skulls in the Stars
Solomon Kane's Homecoming
Wings in the Night

The Altar and the Scorpion
The Black City
By This Axe, I Rule!
The Curse of the Golden Skull/ 《黄金头骨的诅咒》 by 浪漫之钩
Delcardes’ Cat/ 《德尔卡德斯的猫》 by 浪漫之钩
The King and the Oak
The Mirrors of Tuzun Thune/ 《图宗·索恩的镜子》 by 浪漫之钩
The Shadow Kingdom/ 《影子王国》 by 浪漫之钩
The Skull of Silence
The Striking of the Gong
Swords of the Purple Kingdom
"The sun was setting. A last crimson …"/ 《“太阳正在落下。最后一片暗红色的……”》 by 浪漫之钩
"Three men sat at a ..."
"'Thus,' said Tu, ..."

布朗·麦克·莫恩系列Bran Mak Morn
Bran Mak Morn: A Play
Bran Mak Morn(Synopsis)
The Drums of Pictdom/ 《皮克特之鼓》 by 浪漫之钩
Kings of the Night/ 《夜之双王》 by 浪漫之钩
Men of the Shadows/ 《阴影中的人们》 by 浪漫之钩
A Song of the Race/ 《一支种族之歌》 by 浪漫之钩
Worms of the Earth/ 《大地蠕虫》 by 浪漫之钩
"A gray sky arched …"/ 《“灰色的天空笼盖着……”》 by 浪漫之钩

特洛格·奥布莱恩系列Turlogh O'Brien
The Dark Man/ 《黑暗之人》 by 浪漫之钩
The Gods of Bal-Sagoth/ 《巴尔-萨戈斯诸神》 by 浪漫之钩
The Shadow of the Hun
Spear of Clontarf
The Twilight of the Grey Gods
"The Dane came in with a rush, hurtling his huge body forward ..."
"This is the tale of a nameless fight ..."

James Allison系列
Black Eons
Brachen the Kelt
The Garden of Fear
Ghenseric's Fifth-Born Son
The Guardian of the Idol
Marchers of Valhalla
The Tower of Time
The Valley of the Worm

Delenda Est
Golnor the Ape
The Isle of the Eons
The Little People
The Lost Race
Nekht Semerkeht
People of the Dark
Spear and Fang
The Thunder-Rider
The Tomb of the Dragon
Under the Baobab Tree
Valley of the Lost
The Voice of El-Lil
The Witch from Hell's Kitchen

This post has been edited by Roman Hook: 2024-06-25, 22:17
Roman Hook
2024-06-25, 20:36
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The Black Bear Bites
Black Eons
The Black Stone/ 《黑石》 at 《邪神复苏》
The Challenge from Beyond/ 《彼方的挑战》 by 竹子
The Children of the Night
Dagon Manor
Dig Me No Grave/ 《别为我掘墓》 by 浪漫之钩
The Door to the Garden
The Dwellers Under the Tombs
The Fire of Asshurbanipal
The Haunter of the Ring
The House in the Oaks
The Thing on the Roof
Usurp the Night
"Beneath the glare of the sun, etched in the hot blue sky, native laborers sweated and toiled."

The Faring Town系列
A Legend of Faring Town
Sea Curse
Out of the Deep

De Montour系列
In the Forest of Villefère
A Song of the Werewolf Folk

Black Canaan
The Dead Remember
For the Love of Barbara Allen
The Haunted Hut
The Horror from the Mound
A Horror in the Night
Kelly the Conjure-Man
The Man on the Ground
Old Garfield's Heart
Pigeons from Hell
Secret of Lost Valley
The Shadow of the Beast
The Shadow of Doom

Black Hound of Death
Black Talons
Black Wind Blowing
The Brazen Peacock
Devils of Dark Lake
The Grisly Horror
Guests of the Hoodoo Room
The Hand of Obeah
The House of Om
The Return of Skull-Face
Skull-Face/ 《骷髅脸》 by 浪漫之钩
The Spell of Damballah

Black Country
The Cairn on the Headland
Casonetto's Last Song
The Cobra in the Dream
Dermod's Bane
The Devil's Woodchopper
The Dream Snake
The Fear-Master
The Fearsome Touch of Death
The Hyena
The Noseless Horror
People of the Black Coast
Restless Waters
The Return of the Sorcerer
Serpent Vines
Spectres in the Dark
The Supreme Moment
A Thunder of Trumpets
"The night was damp, misty, the air possessing a certain ..."

This post has been edited by Roman Hook: 2024-06-25, 20:37
Roman Hook
2024-06-25, 20:40
Post #4

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El Borak系列
Blood of the Gods
The Coming of El Borak
The Country of the Knife
The Daughter of Erlik Khan
El Borak
Hawk of the Hills
Intrigue in Kurdistan
The Iron Terror
Khoda Khan's Tale
The Land of Mystery
The Lost Valley of Iskander
North of Khyber
A Power Among the Islands
The Shunned Castle
Son of the White Wolf
Three-Bladed Doom
The White Jade Ring
"Gordon, the American whom the Arabs call El Borak ..."
"When Yar Ali Khan crept into the camp of Zumal Khan ..."

Dark Agnes系列
Blades for France
Sword Woman
Mistress of Death

Cormac Fitzgeoffrey系列
The Blood of Belshazzar
The Slave Princess
Hawks of Outremer

Kirby O'Donnell系列
The Curse of the Crimson God
Swords of Shahrazar
The Treasure of Tartary

Cormac Mac Art系列
The Night of the Wolf
Swords of the Northern Sea
The Temple of Abomination
Tigers of the Sea

Lal Singh系列
The Further Adventures of Lal Singh
Lal Singh, Oriental Gentleman
The Tale of the Rajah's Ring

Black Vulmea系列
Black Vulmea's Vengeance
Swords of the Red Brotherhood

Gates of Empire
Hawks Over Egypt
The King's Service
The Isle of Pirate's Doom
The Lion of Tiberias
Lord of Samarcand
Red Blades of Black Cathay
The Road of Azrael
The Road of the Eagles
The Shadow of the Vulture
The Sowers of the Thunder
Spears of the East
The Track of Bohemund
Two against Tyre
Under the Great Tiger
"He knew de Bracy ..."
"The wind from the Mediterranean wafted ..."
"The Persians had all fled ..."
Roman Hook
2024-06-25, 21:00
Post #5

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Steve Costigan系列
Alleys of Peril
The Battling Sailor
Blow the Chinks Down!
Blue River Blues
Breed of Battle
The Bull Dog Breed
By the Law of the Shark
Champ of the Forecastle
Circus Fists
Dark Shanghai
Fist and Fang
Flying Knuckles
General Ironfist
Hard-Fisted Sentiment
The Honor of the Ship
Night of Battle
The Pit of the Serpent
Sailor Costigan and the Swami
Sailor's Grudge
The Sign of the Snake
The Slugger's Game
Sluggers on the Beach
Texas Fists
The TNT Punch
Vikings of the Gloves
Waterfront Fists
Winner Take All
"I had just hung by sparring partner, Battling O'Toole ..."
"It was the end of the fourth round ..."
"The night Sailor Steve Costigan fought Battling O'Rourke ..."

Dennis Dorgan系列
Alleys of Darkness
Alleys of Treachery
The Destiny Gorilla
In High Society
A Knight of the Round Table
Playing Journalist
Playing Santa Claus
Sailor Dorgan and the Jade Monkey
The Turkish Menace
The Yellow Cobra

Kid Allison系列
College Socks
The Drawing Card
Fighting Nerves
Fistic Psychology
The Good Knight
The Jinx
Man with the Mystery Mitts
The Texas Wildcat
A Tough Nut to Crack
"'Huh?' I was so dumbfounded I was clean off ..."

Ace Jessel系列
The Apparition in the Prize Ring
Double Cross

Crowd Horror
The Ferocious Ape
The Fighting Fury
Fists of the Revolution
The Iron Man
A Man of Peace
The Mark of the Bloody Hand
Misto' Demsey
Night Encounter
Right Hook
Shackled Mitts
They Always Come Back
Trail of the Snake
The Voice of Doom
Weeping Willow
Roman Hook
2024-06-25, 21:02
Post #6

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Breckinridge Elkins系列
The Apache Mountain War
The Conquerin' Hero of the Humbolts
"No Cowherders Wanted"
Cupid from Bear Creek
The Curly Wolf of Sawtooth
Evil Deeds at Red Cougar
The Feud Buster
A Gent from Bear Creek
Guns of the Mountains
The Haunted Mountain
High Horse Rampage
Mayhem and Taxes
Meet Cap'n Kidd
Mountain Man
Pilgrims to the Pecos
Pistol Politics
The Riot at Cougar Paw
The Road to Bear Creek
The Scalp Hunter
Sharp's Gun Serenade
Striped Shirts and Busted Hearts
War on Bear Creek
When Bear Creek Came to Chawed Ear

Pike Bearfield系列
The Diablos Trail
A Gent from the Pecos
Gents on the Lynch
The Riot at Bucksnort
While Smoke Rolled

Grizzly Elkins系列
Gunman's Debt
Law-Shooters of Cowtown

Buckner Jeopardy Grimes系列
Knife River Prodigal
A Man-Eating Jeopard
Texas John Alden

The Sonora Kid系列
Brotherly Advice
Desert Rendezvous
The Devil's Joker
Knife, Bullet and Noose
Red Curls and Bobbed Hair
The Sonora Kid—Cowhand
The Sonora Kid's Winning Hand
The West Tower
"A blazing sun in a blazing sky, reflected from ..."
"The Hades Saloon and gambling hall, Buffalotown ..."
"The Hot Arizona sun had not risen high enough to heat ..."
"Madge Meraldson set her traveling-bag on the station ..."
"Steve Allison settled himself down comfortably in ..."
"The way it came about that Steve Allison, Timoleon ..."

Beyond the Brazos River
Bill Smalley and the Power of the Human Eye
Billy the Kid and the Lincoln County War
Boot Hill Payoff
"The Classic Tale of the Southwest"
Drums of the Sunset
The Extermination of Yellow Donory
"Golden Hope" Christmas
Showdown at Hell's Canyon
Six-Gun Interview
The Strange Case of Josiah Wilbarger
Vultures' Sanctuary
The Vultures of Wahpeton
Wild Water
Roman Hook
2024-06-25, 21:04
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Steve Harrison系列
The Black Moon
Fangs of Gold
Graveyard Rats
The House of Suspicion
Lord of the Dead
The Mystery of Tannoemoe Lodge
Names in the Black Book
The Silver Heel
The Tomb's Secret
The Voice of Death
"Steve Harrison received a wire from Joan Wiltshaw ..."

Butch Gorman & Brent Kirby系列
Hand of the Black Goddess
Sons of Hate

Steve Bender, Weary McGraw and the Whale系列
The Ghost with the Silk Hat
Westward Ho!
The Wild Man
"William Aloysius McGraw's father was red-headed and ..."
Roman Hook
2024-06-25, 21:05
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After the Game
Aha! or The Mystery of the Queen's Necklace
Cupid vs. Pollux
Eighttoes Makes a Play
Halt! Who Goes There?
Musings of a Moron
The Reformation: A Dream
The Sheik
Sleeping Beauty
The Thessalians
Unhand Me, Villain: A Romance
Weekly Short Story
West Is West
Ye College Days
Roman Hook
2024-06-25, 21:07
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热辣故事(Spicy Story)是当时一种打擦边球的低俗小说,色情程度很低,故事主体依然是冒险。

Wild Bill Clanton系列
Desert Blood
The Dragon of Kao Tsu
Murderer's Grog
The Purple Heart of Erlik
She Devil
Ship in Mutiny

Bastards All!
Daughters of the Feud
Guns of Khartum
Miss High-Hat
She-Cats of Samarcand
Songs of Bastards
Roman Hook
2024-06-25, 21:13
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The Block
The Curse of Greed
The Devil in His Brain
Diogenes of Today
Le Gentil Homme le Diable
The Heathen
The Loser
A Matter of Age
The Nut's Shell
Pay Day
Post Oaks & Sand Roughs
The Sophisticate
The Stones of Destiny
Sunday in a Small Town
A Touch of Color
The Voice of the Mob
Roman Hook
2024-06-25, 21:14
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The Abbey
Ambition by Moonlight
A Dream
Etched in Ebony
Etching in Ivory
The Ghost in the Doorway
The Gondarian Man
The Hashish Land
The Last Laugh
The Last White Man
Spanish Gold on Devil Horse
Roman Hook
2024-06-25, 21:15
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The Beast from the Abyss
The Galveston Affair
The Ghost of Camp Colorado
The Ideal Girl
Kid Dula Due To Be Champion
More Evidences of the Innate Divinity of Man
To a Man Whose Name I Never Knew
With a Set of Rattlesnake Rattles
Roman Hook
2024-06-25, 21:20
Post #13

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The Adventurer
The Alamo
Always Comes Evening
An American
An American Epic
At the Bazaar
"Aw Come on and Fight!"
The Ballad of Buckshot Roberts
Black Chant Imperial
Black Harps in the Hills
But the Hills Were Ancient Then
The Choir Girl
Dead Man's Hate
The Dead Slaver's Tale
Dreaming on Downs
Dreams of Nineveh
A Dull Sound as of Knocking
The Dust Dance: Selections, Version Ⅱ
The Dweller in Dark Valley
Easter Island
An Echo from the Iron Harp
Echoes from an Anvil
Empire's Destiny
Fables for Little Folk
The Fear That Follows
Flaming Marble
Flint's Passing
Forbidden Magic
The Gates of Nineveh
The Ghost Kings
The Gods of Easter Island
A Great Man Speaks
The Grim Land
The Harp of Alfred
Hymn of Hatred
Ivory in the Night
Jack Dempsey
John Ringold
Kid Lavigne Is Dead
The Kissing of Sal Snooboo
A Lady's Chamber
The Last Day
The Last Hour
Lines to G. B. Shaw
Lines Written in the Realization That I Must Die
The Maiden of Kercheezer
The Marching Song of Connacht
Miser's Gold
Moon Mockery
Moonlight on a Skull
The Moor Ghost
The Mountains of California
Never Beyond the Beast
One Blood Strain
One Who Comes at Eventide
An Open Window
Private Magrath of the A. E. F.
Red Thunder
The Ride of Falume
The Riders of Babylon
The Robes of the Righteous
A Roman Lady
Roundelay of the Roughneck
Rules of Etiquette
The Sand-Hills' Crest
The Sands of Time
The Sea
Shadow of Dreams
Shadows on the Road
The Singer in the Mist
The Skull in the Clouds
Skulls and Dust
The Song of the Bats
A Song of Cheer
The Song of the Last Briton
The Song of a Mad Minstrel
A Song Out of Midian
A Song of the Naked Lands
Sonora to Del Rio
The Symbol
The Tavern
The Tempter
The Tide
To a Woman
To the Contended
A Tribute to the Sportsmanship of the Fans
Up, John Kane!
The Voices Waken Memory
The Weakling
Which Will Scarcely Be Understood
A World from the Outer Dark
"And so his boyhood wandered into youth, ..."
"You have built a world of paper and wood, ..."
Roman Hook
2024-06-25, 21:23
Post #14

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The Atavist
Age Lasting Love
The Battling Sailor
Blue River Blues
A Boy, a Beehive, and a Chinaman
The Brand of Satan
Circus Charade
The Dominant Male
The Drawing Card
The Drifter
A Faithful Servant
Fate is the Killer
The Feminine of the Species
The Ferocious Ape
The Fishing Trip
Fistic Psychology
The Folly of Conceit
The Funniest Bout
The Ghost Behind the Gloves
The Ghost of Bald Rock Ranch
In His Own Image
The Influence of the Movies
The Ivory Camel
The Land of Forgotten Ages
The Lion Gate
Lobo Volante
A Man and a Brother
A Man of Peace
The Man Who Went Back
Mr. Dowser Buys a Car
Over the Rockies in a Ford
Pigskin Scholar
The Punch
The Recalcitrant
The Red Stone
The Slayer
A South Sea Storm
The Splendid Brute
Ten Minutes on a Street Corner
Through the Ages
The Treasure of Henry Morgan
A Twentieth-Century Rip Van Winkle
A Unique Hat
The Weeping Willow
What the Deuce?
The Wheel Turns
The White Jade Ring
The Wild Man
The Wings of the Bat
Yellow Laughter

"As he approached the two, he swept off his feathered hat ..."
"Better a man should remain in kindly ignorance, than ..."
"Between berserk battle-rages, the black despair of melancholy ..."
"Franey was a fool."
"From the black, bandit-haunted mountains of Kang ..."
"Help! Help! They're murderin' me!"
"'I,' said Cuchulain, 'was a man, at least.'"
"I'm writing this with a piece of pencil on the backs of old ..."
"It was a strange experience, and I don't expect anyone ..."
"A land of wild, fantastic beauty; of mighty trees ..."
"The lazy quiet of the mid-summer day was shattered ..."
"'A man,' said my friend Larry Aloysius O'Leary ..."
"The matter seemed so obvious that my only answer ..."
"Maybe it doesn't seem like anything interesting and ..."
"Mike Costigan, writer and self-avowed futilist, gazed ..."
"The next day I was sluggish and inefficient in my work ..."
"Old Man Jacobsen crunched his powerful teeth through ..."
"So I set out up the hill-trail as if on a hunt and ..."
"So there I was ..."
"Spike Morissey was as tough a kid as ever came ..."
"The tale has always been doubted and scoffed at ..."
"That is, the artistry is but a symbol for the thought!"
"Thure Khan gazed out across the shifting vastness ..."
"Trails led through dense jungle ..."
"Two men were standing in the bazaar at Delhi ..."
" 'You,' said Shifty Griddle, pointing his finger at me ..."
"Joe Rogers had been working the stock markets ..."
Roman Hook
2024-06-25, 21:25
Post #15

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